Thursday, January 8, 2009

Send a Message to Obama - Health Freedom!

Now is a great opportunity to send a strong message to the Obama Team about Health and Wellness.

I have already cast my vote with over 4000 other for the right to Health Freedom.

Click on this banner and Vote. I recommend you vote for only this and no others to help move this critical issue up to #1 (currently #8). Below the banner is some information from the Heath Page on

Health Freedom IS Our First Freedom

More information:

Health Freedom means the right to control what happens to your body, choosing your own health path, making our own health choices as you see fit.

Please vote for health freedom so we can have:
Access to high potency nutrients and supplements
Protection from Codex
Absolute medical privacy
Meaningful organic standards
Access to raw milk, bitter almonds and other health aides
Irradiation-free foods

Freedom from:
- Unlabelled GMO foods
- Coerced vaccinations and other medical treatments
- Involuntary experimentation on foster children, prisoners and civilian populations
- Chemtrail spraying
- Coerced surgical or other procedures like circumcision or electroshock
- Human or animal chipping
- Loss of our children because we choose not to vaccinate or drug them

Freedom to:
- Choose health practitioners who offer the treatments we want
- Farm and process food
- Provide information about the relationship between health and foods/nutrients
- Drink municipal water free of fluoride and other toxins
- Receive insurance coverage for natural medicine
- Divest the FDA of all food regulation.
- Sue drug and vaccine manufacturers for damages caused by their products
- Use natural methods to treat, prevent, mitigate or cure diseases as we choose
- Protect our children as we, not authorities, see fit.

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