Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Arizona to Get Wind Power

Wind Power
The state's first wind-energy farm could be operating by late next year, filling a gap in Arizona's alternative-power offerings.

Salt River Project officials said the proposed plant, to be built about 18 miles northwest of Snowflake with turbines stretching more than 300 feet high, finally offered the utility an affordable wind-power option.

Utility officials said Monday that they have agreed to buy electricity from the plant's operator, enough to power more than 15,000 homes.

Full Article at the Arizona Republic Web Site - Click Here

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Food Matters!

I have been involved with nutrition and health for over 20 years. This new DVD is "Food for Thought" and "Food or Life", your life and the health and well being of everyone you love.

It is a "Must See" to begin to unravel the current health crisis. It's not doom and gloom, but a look into a simple solution that costs less and gets better results than any medicine or medical procedure (baring emergency surgery and other needed life saving medical procedures....)

Natural Health and Wellness Secrets Revealed

Sick and tired of the confusion surrounding food?

Want to feel good and prevent or reverse illness and disease?

Join the Leaders in Nutrition and Natural Healing from around the globe in a Mission to Uncover the Truth...

Buy a copy today and share it. Click on the image below or Click Here


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Plan to Reduce Our Dependence on Foreign Oil

Check out Pickens Plan (click on the Badge below) for a great solution using Wind and Natural Gas.

Then take action by joining this national network of people working for cleaner, independent energy. Then help expand this network by getting this information out to everyone you know.

I plan on writing more on this once I return from this business trip. It's something we can and need to do now. There are plans to get over 1/2 a million signatures supporting this to the next President and send a loud and clear message.

Find more videos like this on PickensPlan

View my page on PickensPlan

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dancing with Matt

14 months in the making, 42 countries, and a cast of thousands. Thanks to everyone who danced with Matt.

You can turn HD off if it's playing jerky or taking too long to load.

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.