Monday, December 22, 2008

Which Wolf Will You Feed in 2009 ?

A Great Lesson:

An elder Cherokee Native American was teaching his grandchildren about life. He said to them, "A fight is going on inside me. It is a terrible fight, and it is between two wolves.

One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, pride, and superiority.

The other wolf stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.

This same fight is going on inside of you and every other person too." The children thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"

The old Cherokee simply replied: "The one I feed."

Which one will you feed in 2009?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

In Reality - No Existing Clean Coal Plants

All this talk about "Clean Coal" my be just a bunch of hot air. Hot air full of green house gases!

It turns out there is not one coal fired plant using technology to clean up their by product before it goes out into the air we breath. has a TV campaign and a website with the Facts.

Monday, December 1, 2008

So You Want Bail Out Money?

This good folks over at have a great article on making sure there are strong strings, no ropes, attached to any money used to Bailout the Big 3 Auto Makers in the US.

When I saw the Heads of those companies sitting there telling us that it was not their products or the business plan, but rather the Economy, that caused the issues for them I knew right then and there we need those ropes... If they can't see it, then we must mandate it. Hey, and I am for less government. But some times you just have to.

Read the Article Now - Click Here

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Michael Moore on Larry King - Automakers

It seems Michael Moore's 20 year old movie "Roger and Me" may have been prophetic...

Appearing on Larry King he has a mixed mind on the bailout of GM, Ford and Chrysler.

King: And the same is true of Ford and Chrysler?

Moore: Absolutely. I'll tell you, it was hilarious just watching these CEOs there (Tuesday) and (Wednesday) testifying in Congress, saying that, you know, that the problem wasn't theirs, you know, the cars they were building. It was the financial situation that we're in now. Watch automakers get grilled on Capitol Hill »

The problem is the cars they've been building. They've never listened to the consumers. They've just gone about it their own wrong way. I'll tell you, you know, I'm of mixed mind about this bailout, Larry, because I don't think these companies, with these management people, should be given a dime, because that's just going to be money going up in smoke or off to other countries.

GM is currently building a $300 million factory in Russia right now to build SUVs, right outside of St. Petersburg. That's where your money's going to go, no matter what they say.


Big stings must be attached otherwise the poor management teams will just use the monies for the wrong things. Their track record speaks for itself...

Read the full article - Click Here

Or watch:

Friday, October 24, 2008

We're All in This Together

We can point fingers. We can blame the "West". Others around the globe are pointing their fingers at the US.

If it was just the US or North America then others would be doing well, right?

Not so fast....

It turns out we are all in this together.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

30 Best Eco Sites

Our friends over at Listropolis have posted an interesting link to a list of The 30 Best Eco Sites.

Check them out. (Thanks for the info Shaun)


Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Girl Effect

The Girl Effect
An inspiring video, Inspiring organization

Monday, August 18, 2008

100 Mile Diet - Eating Locally

The 100 Mile Diet

It is so simple. It just makes sense.

Buying local supports local business owners and farmers. The food is fresher, most likely better quality and better for you.

Check out this site and make a pledge to do more to eat better and buy local.

Visit the Site

See the FAQs

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Bernie Mac Should Still Be Alive.

Bernie Mac Another Casualty of Conventional Medicine?
Excerpt from an article by Mike Adams (NaturalNews)

The number of famous people dying at the hands of conventional medical doctors is increasing at an alarming rate. Today comedian Bernie Mac (best known for appearing in Oceans Eleven and The Bernie Mac Show) died today following hospitalization and treatment for pneumonia. At the young age of 50, Bernie Mac joins numerous other notable celebrities who have died while being treated with conventional pharmaceuticals or chemotherapy: Heath Ledger, Peter Jennings, Tim Russert and many more.

Pneumonia is an infection that fails to be properly handled by the body's own immune system. Bernie Mac's immune system, it turns out, was suppressed by pharmaceuticals due to treatments for an autoimmune disorder he was previously diagnosed with, called sarcoidosis.

The most common treatments for sarcoidosis are dangerous steroids (like Prednisone) or immune system suppressants like Methotrexate. Following his treatment with one or both of these pharmaceuticals, Bernie Mac was described as having his sarcoidosis go into "remission." That's conventional medicine's code word for masking symptoms with dangerous chemicals while ignoring the underlying cause of the disease.

"Sarcoidosis," meanwhile, is just a fancy-sounding name for an imbalanced immune system almost always caused by dietary imbalances and exposure to toxic chemicals through processed foods, pharmaceuticals, personal care products and other environmental sources (like pesticides or cleaning solvents). Bernie Mac didn't really have sarcoidosis; he was merely given that label by doctors who attached a fancy name to a pattern of symptoms that Bernie Mac expressed. ....

Read The Full Article

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Cars Running On Compressed Air!

I got excited when I read this. Then I really got excited when I saw the video. Both are great ideas and I really love the Aussie rotary version!

Imagine how we can change the level of pollution in cities and even travel long distances with this technology coupled with biodiesel or other fuels. If "air stations" where everywhere we could use nothing but air!

This video is less than 9 minutes long and well worth it. I plan on tracking this technology and will bring you any news I find out.

US Company Site - Click Here

French Company Official Site - Click Here

Australian Rotary Engine Air Car Site - Click Here

Australian Rotary Air Engine

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Arizona to Get Wind Power

Wind Power
The state's first wind-energy farm could be operating by late next year, filling a gap in Arizona's alternative-power offerings.

Salt River Project officials said the proposed plant, to be built about 18 miles northwest of Snowflake with turbines stretching more than 300 feet high, finally offered the utility an affordable wind-power option.

Utility officials said Monday that they have agreed to buy electricity from the plant's operator, enough to power more than 15,000 homes.

Full Article at the Arizona Republic Web Site - Click Here

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Food Matters!

I have been involved with nutrition and health for over 20 years. This new DVD is "Food for Thought" and "Food or Life", your life and the health and well being of everyone you love.

It is a "Must See" to begin to unravel the current health crisis. It's not doom and gloom, but a look into a simple solution that costs less and gets better results than any medicine or medical procedure (baring emergency surgery and other needed life saving medical procedures....)

Natural Health and Wellness Secrets Revealed

Sick and tired of the confusion surrounding food?

Want to feel good and prevent or reverse illness and disease?

Join the Leaders in Nutrition and Natural Healing from around the globe in a Mission to Uncover the Truth...

Buy a copy today and share it. Click on the image below or Click Here


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Plan to Reduce Our Dependence on Foreign Oil

Check out Pickens Plan (click on the Badge below) for a great solution using Wind and Natural Gas.

Then take action by joining this national network of people working for cleaner, independent energy. Then help expand this network by getting this information out to everyone you know.

I plan on writing more on this once I return from this business trip. It's something we can and need to do now. There are plans to get over 1/2 a million signatures supporting this to the next President and send a loud and clear message.

Find more videos like this on PickensPlan

View my page on PickensPlan

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dancing with Matt

14 months in the making, 42 countries, and a cast of thousands. Thanks to everyone who danced with Matt.

You can turn HD off if it's playing jerky or taking too long to load.

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.

Monday, June 30, 2008

A Call To Action Worth Hearing Again

This call from then 12 year old Severn Cullis-Suzuki was done in 1992.

Have we heeded the warning?

Are we different now?

Change on a massive scale, such as what is needed for the entire planet, can be slow and even the change invisible to the eye and mind of humans. But each action does change the world and the people in it. We are never the same once the information has been imparted.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Gas Prices

Finally, a truly accurate gas price panel at the local station:

Gas Prices

Friday, June 6, 2008

300 MPG Vehicle

This car caught my attention yesterday while surfing the web. 300mpg highway and the possibility to got 1000 miles on one gallon at lower speeds.

Aptera comes in a Hybrid or all Electric versions. Sleek, modern and a car that makes sense.

Oh, and the price... Under $30K expected! Right now you can reserve one if you live in Southern California for support and maintenance reasons. My hope is this car company will be able to expand rapidly across the US. Personally, I want one. I could drive around Sedona on all electric and when I need to go further, I can. The price point puts this car in the budget of a large portion of American families too. Not just a car for the wealthy...


Thursday, May 29, 2008

Rapidweaver 4 Released into the Wild...

It has been a busy day, not to mention the week before, but Rapidweaver 4.0 (RW4) made it's way out of Beta. Along with it a whole new Rapidweaver web site, forum and manual.

IMHO, this is the best RW yet. An updated interface as well as something very new; Sandwiches. Real Mac Software has created an open file format for the Rapidweaver Project file called a Sandwich. You can right click on this file and access all the stored information that RW4 uses to create the site files when you publish or export the site. This opens possibilities for editing the site even when you don't have RW4 around to work on the site. I have not delved into this deeply yet, it will be interesting.

To put the frosting on the cake, all popular plugins where updated recently to work work with RW4. The newest member of this family is Collage2. Isaiah over at Yourhead has created a whole new version of this popular plugin. You can use Collage v1 right along with Collage 2. Just remember that Collage 2 is not compatible with previous versions of Rapidweaver and does not work with existing pages created with Collage v1.

If you are holding back, my word is: Don't. Jump in and get RW4. It's free for all RW3.6+ users. Don't forget to update your plugins too.

Just in case you are wondering where the old Forum is with all it's content, check out this Post

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

RapidWeaver 4.0 Preview

David Chartier has a nice write up on Rapidweaver 4.0. Obviously he has a demo copy (lucky him).

Some nice new features and some cleaned up ones too.

You can read about this over at the Ars Technica site

If you like it, go over and DIGG this

Nothing more for me to say, David's got this one...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Simple Thing You Can Do to have Safer Water

Think you're water bottle is safe? Think again. Check to see if it is a "1" type of plastic and not a "3", "6" or "7"

A few simple changes, like only using type "1" bottles, can eliminate one more possible hazard (hormone mimicking chemical - see video).

Play Video News Story

Friday, April 11, 2008

Green Festivals

Find "green" stuff and learn new things at the Green Festivals


A Restaurant Rave

I don't often rave about an eating experience but every once in a while I have one of those experiences that is memorable. In fact my wife, Faith, and I ate at this restaurant 3 times in a row!

I have been printing out recipes from from Bobby Flay for a while now. All have been great stuff. Now I have finally had the experience of eating at the Mesa Grill in Las Vegas. All I can say is WOW! and WOW! All Faith & I wanted to do was come back for more to try other dishes. Each flavor and texture were exquisite. Both subtle and bold flavors. Everything from the fish tacos to the signature tamale and prawns appetizer where wonderful.

And Bobby was "in the house" updating the menu while we were there. And yes, I got the cookbook too. :)

I do have to thank my good buddy (and ex sous chef) Ace for the recommendation. Ace, I will go where ever you say to eat...

So next time you are in Las Vegas do yourself a favor and experience this place. We will be going back, and soon!

Also in New York and The Bahamas

Monday, March 3, 2008

Finding Art in Sedona

Having just returned from the Sedona Film Festival in Sedona Arizona I can truly say that Independent Film is alive and well.

My wife and I had the opportunity to see to "hang out" and meet some interesting people. Over 60% of the 135 films where produced and/or directed by women. To find out more about their views on independent film making we sat in on an interview with Mary Stewart Masterson, Diane Ladd and Kimberly Williams-Paisley conducted by Robert Osborne, head of Turner Classic Movies.

Hollywood is still a "boys club" and a closed society that go with formula movies (no surprise here). The studios use to make lots of movies and make a little on each. Now it's all about fewer movies with huge budgets and huge (potential) profits. But the most revealing information about the Arts and the Film industry is that most films are now made outside of the US. Diane pointed to some research done showing over $200 Billion money spent overseas instead of here. Independent films are hard to get made due to lack of ways to fund them.

In spite of all the difficulties, trials, tribulations and small budgets amazing films are being made. Films with heart and soul, even from the male director/producers.

Three films I hope make it to a screen or video store near you will go into my DVD library if I get a chance to buy theme.

The Music in Me
A film with lots of heart. Intellectually and physically challenged people of all ages and the dance school in Sydney Australia that makes a difference in their lives and the lives of their families. As a bonus to seeing this wonderful film, an anonymous downer helped fly in the 4 of these extraordinary people and their moms as well as the movie's producer and the dance teacher. I was honored to meet them. Bring the tissue...

Speed and Angels
Dreams can come true. But you have to work for them! This film follows the life of two young adults who have always wanted to be Navy Pilots. Not just any type of pilot, F14 TomCat pilots on a carrier at sea! One woman and one man who make it happen and you get to follow and experience the journey. Great fighter jet footage in and out of the cockpit and well as interviews with family and colleagues. Find out what it really takes to be a Top Gun!

It was my great pleasure to meet the Producer, Director, Editor and Megan, the young Top Gun! Get this, (at the time the movie was shot) there are about 3450 Navy pilots. 24 are women, only 1 was a TomCat pilot. Megan is the pilot! She now flies FA18 Hornets but her first love is the F14 TomCat. Oh, and the profanity is real when you get shot off of an aircraft carrier from 0 to 180 knots in less than 3 seconds!

A dramatic story of one of there greatest guitarists not known of by the public to ever live and work in Nashville, Hank Garland. Truly a tragic story of how his life played out. But fortunately we can still hear his music in a large amount of the best recordings made in the ear.

Hank was among the first true guitar virtuosos to emerge from the Nashville studios — a player who helped define the standards by which other Nashville session guitarists are judged. He was extraordinary not only at country music, but rock and jazz.

First time lead actor Waylon Payne does an amazing job. This film was shot in just 24 days (yes, I had a chance to talk with Director/Writer/Producer Rick Bieber and told him he must be "crazy")! Chatted with Waylon too. Nice guy. Keep you eye out for him. He has 4 films coming out this year he is in!

My wife and I had a short chat with Diane Ladd and her husband about the need for more support of the Arts in the US. So get out there to your local film fest and support it. Bring others. We think you will be truly amazed at what you find.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sundog's Place - A New Look

Sundog's Place has a new look. After much thought and looking around I kept finding myself drawn back to Josh Lockhart's Silk Theme.

So here it is. A clean, nice and definitely modern looking site. I still have more to do.... But now I feel inspired again, thanks to Josh and this beautiful theme.

More soon.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Presenting Like Steve Jobs

Over the years I have been amazed at the style and showmanship of Steve Jobs. I always tune into the most recent MacWorld Keynote as soon as it is posted.

Have you ever thought "how does he do it"? Or have you ever presented and wondered how someone like Steve makes it look so easy?

Carmine Gallo breaks down Steve's presentation into 10 points over at Business Week.

Read it Here

I do a far amount of presenting myself so I am always in a study of the best. Maybe someday I can do as well too. Until then, I will keep watching....

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Which Wolf Will Your Feed in 2008?

I thought this would be a good way to start out the new year and bring back this post:

A Great Lesson:

An elder Cherokee Native American was teaching his grandchildren about life. He said to them, "A fight is going on inside me. It is a terrible fight, and it is between two wolves.

One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, pride, and superiority.

The other wolf stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.

This same fight is going on inside of you and every other person too." The children thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"

The old Cherokee simply replied: "The one I feed."

Which one will you feed in 2008?